You can make a difference!

Would you like to help the Londonderry Historical Society fulfill its mission of protecting our town’s past for future generations to enjoy? We’re a non-profit organization with no paid employees; all work is performed by our dedicated volunteers.

Membership dues, along with public and private donations, are our main source of funding. With these funds, we maintain our multi-building educational complex on Pillsbury Road, purchase and house Londonderry artifacts, and disseminate news and information about our activities and projects.

All donations to our Society are gratefully accepted, are tax-deductible, and are put to good use for the benefit of the community. Below are some ways to help us!

Ways to donate:

Monetary Donations:

You can make a donation by writing a check payable to “Londonderry Historical Society” and mailing it to:
Londonderry Historical Society
P.O. Box 136
Londonderry, NH 03053

Be sure to indicate if you would like for your gift to be applied to a specific cause (e.g., to the rebuilding of the Rev. Morrison House). We also accept appreciated assets for sale to benefit the society.

If you have items to donate, please speak with our  curator to learn about our Collections Policy.

In Memory Of
Another way to help is to request that gifts be made to the Society in memory of a loved one who has passed away. This is a wonderful way to honor someone who had a special interest in history during his or her lifetime, or who lived in or had a connection to our town. The Londonderry Historical Society appreciates being remembered in this way and all “in memory of” donations will be acknowledged in our semi-annual newsletter and annual report.

Planned Giving
Consider making a planned gift to the Society in the form of a bequest or beneficiary designation. A specific bequest can be made through your will, or you can name the Society as a beneficiary of your life insurance, retirement plan or bank account. Be sure to notify us when any type of planned giving is put into place so that we may properly thank you and supply information for your tax or estate planner.

Regardless of how you choose to donate, please provide your full name, address and email address so that we can contact you to answer questions and furnish information about our 501(c)3 status.

Please  contact us with any questions.